Why Water Quality in Texas Is So Bad and What To Do About It

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Why Water Quality in Texas Is So Bad and What To Do About It

Many Texas people are dealing with the adverse consequences of excessive levels of mineral content and contamination in their drinking water. Have you ever wondered why that is the case? Look below as we explore why water quality in Texas is so bad and what to do about it.

Industrial Runoff Is a Big Concern

Various industrial enterprises call Texas home. These businesses can leak pollutants like nitrates, which deplete oxygen and have negative health impacts on the water. Several facilities—including refineries, local wastewater treatment plants, and chemical manufacturers—are notorious for discharging pollutants into rivers, lakes, and bays every day. The culmination of all these chemicals and human waste depositing into our waterways significantly lessens Texas water quality.

The Topography Is Rich in Mineral Content

Texas is well known for having some of the hardest water in the country. Hard water occurs when water has excessive concentrations of calcium and magnesium in it. It has a variety of negative impacts, like drying out your hair and skin, leaving a scummy residue on dishes, preventing clothing from being completely clean after washing, and much more.

The main reason why many Texans have hard water is because there is limestone underneath much of the state, especially near water sources. The minerals from porous rocks in the limestone leak into the groundwater and enters homes and businesses.

Household Wells Are Common

Many residents get their drinking water from private wells rather than municipal treatment plants. Contaminants such as fertilizer, microorganisms, heavy metals, and radionuclides can seep into the wells during rainfall. This contamination is a big reason why you must test your drinking water when you get it from a private well—the water carries pollutants that could be a danger to your health.

What To Do About Poor Water Quality

You can do several essential things to protect your tap water from contamination. The first is by installing a whole-home water filtration system that removes any pollutants before they reach your taps, ensuring you get the best quality water every time. The second thing you can do is install a water softener system to remove minerals such as calcium and magnesium that lead to hard water. Finally, whether you get your water from the city or a private well, you should have it tested at least once a year.

We hope this short guide has helped illuminate why water quality in Texas is so bad and what to do about it. You can trust Alamo Water Softeners for all home and commercial water treatment in San Antonio and the surrounding area. Feel free to contact us to get more information about our products and services.