Hard Water vs. Soft Water: The Differences

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Hard Water vs. Soft Water: The Differences

Hard water vs. soft water—the differences are exposed through home appliance efficiency and skin and hair texture. Whether water is hard or soft gets determined by its level of minerals. Alamo Water Softeners reviews the glaring variances between hard and soft water and explains why soft water is helpful for your home.

Hard Water

Hard water contains high levels of calcium and magnesium. A high concentration of these minerals can lead to a myriad of issues with home appliances and even your skin.

Its Disadvantages

Hard water vs. soft water—the differences are exploited in several ways. If your home’s water is high in mineral content, it will expose itself through any of these telltale signs of hard water:

  • Water has an odd taste to it
  • The water is cloudy or murky
  • Your dishware looks foggy, even after going through the dishwasher
  • Your skin and hair feel dry or grimy after bathing
  • Clothes are itchy, or their colors fade quickly

Soft Water

Compared to hard water, soft water replaces minerals with sodium through a water softening system. The lack of minerals in soft water makes lathering soap easier, which is convenient for your dishes, clothes, and yourself.

Because it diminishes the risk of mineral buildup, soft water is the best option for home appliances. Soft water can extend your appliances’ lives, reducing future costs on new machines. As soft water runs smoothly through your home’s systems, it decreases your home’s energy demand, thus lowering your energy bills.

The perk of mineral removal is also soft water’s downside. Soft water deprives those drinking it of calcium and magnesium. You can nix this issue with a balanced diet that fulfills the recommended mineral intake.

How To Soften Your Water

Many homes utilize water softeners to acquire ideal water. Adding a quality water system to your home nixes all the inconveniences brought on by hard water. A water softener pumps water through a resin that coats it with sodium ions. The sodium ions substitute high mineral concentrations to soften the water. Essentially, softeners work to filter excess calcium and magnesium out of water. You can get your water tested to measure the level of minerals it contains and see if your home needs a water softener.

If you are looking for the best water softener systems in San Antonio, refer to Alamo Water Softeners. Get in touch with a representative from AWS today to see how we can set up a water system that will benefit your home at an affordable price.